

Monday, December 23, 2013

Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

Dear Ian,

This time of year there's always so much to do.  From wrapping gifts to decorating trees to just running around high on sugar and Christmas energy, there's so many activities to join in on to celebrate this special time of year.

I know I have already done one post on all the of the prep work we've been doing to get ourselves ready for Christmas, but then we just kept doing cool stuff!  So this post is a continuation of all the pre-Christmas fun we've been having.

First up, we have our annual cookie baking and making marathons.  You helped me roll out and cut the dough into about 18 dozen batches of cookies.  No, I am not exaggerating.  There were at LEAST 18 dozen cookies made.  I honestly stopped counting because I was going cross-eyed looking at all of them.  We use my Grandmother's recipe, which was even more special to me this year, with our  missing Great Poppey.  I know it was him looking down and laughing at us when I discovered the lemon extract from 2004 and when you dropped a FULL CUP of sugar.  But I wouldn't trade these memories for anything.  The making of these cookies will always be special.  And they are also quite fantastic.

 Here you are working away on rolling and cutting out the dough.
Such a good cookie maker!
 Then came the sprinkles.  Grandma, Payton, Taylor and Aunt Megan came over to help with all of the decorating.  It was Taylor's first decorating experience.
 Payton and Aunt Megan working hard.
Me and my little sprinkle partner.  I iced, you sprinkled. 
A small sampling of our finished products.  Like I said, with at least 18 dozen, this is definitely a SMALL sampling. 

And now that I've written this part, I'm ready for a cookie, but there's more work to be written here. 

This weekend we also participated in the Havana Lawn Mower, Golf Cart and Tractor Parade.  Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like.  Papa brought over a little cart, and I got to work decorating it for an appearance in the town of Havana.  I personally think it turned out pretty dang well, and the judging committee thought so too, since we won second prize!  The first prize winner really did have an awesomely decorated mower and wagon.  Next year... 
 Here's our entry for the parade.  Since I was pulling you and your cousins in the wagon, I decided to go with a "sweets" theme.  Because I honestly cant think of anything sweeter than you little people.  I just wish that Nole had been in the wagon, too.
 My boy and the Power King all ready to go!
After the parade, you got to see Santa again, and I just love this little smile.

Finally, our last bit of prep work was our Christmas card for this year.  Ms. Linda Long at Longs Photography took this photo of you, and to me, it really sort of embodies the whole Christmas spirit through the eyes of a child.  You were SO excited every time you saw Santa, but this picture really just really brings out those teary Mommy moments.
And here is our finished card for 2013.  

Another year, another Christmas, and another handful of memories captured and tucked away in my heart.

Merry Christmas, my baby.

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