

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mommy Mental Moment

Dear Ian,

Sigh.  I am just having a moment over here. 

I was going through pictures on the laptop, and I realized I forgot to post about another special Pre-Christmas event: your class Christmas program. 

If you remember this post from last year, you had your theatrical debut in an Advent Christmas program, and you participated by standing and looking adorable.  This year, you still looked adorable, but you actually sang and danced! 

Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa Brooks and Grandma Davis all got to watch you again this year.  Poor Papa Davis had to sit this one out because of that previously mentioned knee-versus-Andy the Bull-thing. But Mommy got some good video, so he was able to watch you perform.  And being the dextrous former baton twirling champ that I am, I was able to juggle the video camera and still camera to get total coverage of your performance.

 Here's you and Addy sitting on the stage waiting for things to get started. 
 Like last year, you sat like a big kid on the stage.  You knew exactly the order of things, and you would do them even before Miss Jan said a word. 
 My sweet boy moving to a spot on the stage to do the "Jingle Dance."  I have a great video of this; it was a hoot!
 Your whole little class up on stage.
 Man, do I love you :)
 Playing instruments in the "Angel Band."
 Here's a shot with one of your teachers in it.  Miss Katie on stage.
 I took this picture at the Happy Birthday Jesus party in your classroom after the show.  We were in charge of bringing the cake, and I remembered that I had forgotten to pick it up from Publix about seven minutes before Publix closed for the night.  Some adult words were said, and I hollered to your Daddy, "I forgot Jesus!" and went running out the door to get your cake.  Which I did.  Good Grief.
Here's your little class having Baby Jesus' birthday snack.

As always, Daddy and I (along with your Grands) were so proud of you.  And as always, we were impressed by your teachers and Miss Jan for putting together such a sweet program.  The fact that you get to incorporate music and performance into your school experience, not to mention church and God's love, is part of why we love your little school. 

Well, now that I've traveled back in time to record, I feel a little better.  At least I remembered eventually, right?  Better late than never?  And what's important is that you and I have been having so much fun that I haven't had time to write.

You make me such a happy Mommy, little Bear.  I hope you realize just how much we love you.
Mommy and Daddy

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