I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I have posted more this month that I have all summer. I am desperately trying to catch up, as we have one HUGE milestone coming up, and I want to make sure I don't miss one single important event.
This one is one of my favorites!
As mentioned in your last letter, you recently noticed your first tooth. Well, it was loose in late May. But, as of August 7th, it is officially gone!
You lost your first baby tooth on August 7th in my classroom, of all places. We were there getting things ready for the school year, and you were "patiently" waiting for me to wrap up for the day. All of a sudden, you just said, "Mommy!" and you were standing there with your hand held out for me to see. And there it was: your first baby tooth.
Now I don't know what it is about gap-toothed smiles that make little kids suddenly turn in to big kids, but MAN! Look at this grin!
You look so different!
Now, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be long until your chomper decided to exit your head, so we prepared for the event by making your tooth fairy pocket. Grandma Brooks had given us Daddy's tooth fairy pillow to use, but you really wanted your very own one, so we used felt and made one just for you. You did the ironing parts; you ironed on your tooth and letters, and I did the sewing around the edges. I think it turned out pretty well.
That night, after reading our books before bed, you made sure you had your tooth in your pocket and that it was under your pillow. You asked me to make sure it was under the edge of your pillow, specifically, because you didn't want the tooth fairy to be all up under your pillow and waking you up. I swear, I love the way your mind works.
You, all dressed for bed, with your tooth in your tooth pocket. Please ignore your mis-matched pajamas. You argue that they dont need to match because you're going to be in bed - asleep - and no one is going to see you, so why should they match? I get your point, and I'm smart enough to pick my battles. Also ignore the fact that these jammie pants are about four inches too short.
The next morning you woke up and noticed that the tooth fairy had indeed come to visit during the night, and you were so excited to share with me the treats she left behind.
The tooth fairy left you a dollar, a sweet note and a little fire truck. You were thrilled!
All morning long, you told me that you loved the tooth fairy and that you were so glad your tooth was good enough for her to want so she would visit. You were so happy with your little treats, and it made me smile.
You have another loose tooth, and it's wiggling like mad, so I'm sure it won't be long until she visits again. And then again, you'll be showing off that new, big-kid grin that reminds me, yet again, how fast you're growing up.
Love you bunches!
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