

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Fun, Week Four

Dear Ian,

This week is going to look like we didn't get to do a lot together, because we kind of didn't.  We did have fun, though, so that's what counts the most. 

This week, my afternoons were occupied with twirling camp.  Mommy is trying to get her baton twirling studio off the ground, so I held a camp just to see who all was out there and interested.  It went pretty well, but that's not the point of this post.  Back to having fun with YOU!

On Monday, we were heading back from our trip to Destin, so we didn't really have an event on our paper chain. 

Tuesday you went with me on a drive to pick up my t-shirts for camp, and on the way we played a rousing game of I Spy.  Super fun, when the route you take is largely nothing but fields and trees.  Anyway.  You were a good sport about the whole thing, so on the way home, we stopped by a John Deere Greensouth Store, and you got to get out and run around admire all of the neat pieces of equipment. 

You and a cotton picker.  That thing was huge, and according to Papa Davis, valued at about $150,000.  No, we did not take one home. 

Wednesday was my first day of camp in the afternoon, but it was also National Juggling Day.  Lofty Pursuits Ice Cream Shop was giving away a junior scoop to anyone who could juggle, and since I learned how to do three baton by first learning to juggle...  Yes.  You can see where this is going.  I juggled (and did pretty dang awesome, if I must say) for the friends at Lofty Pursuits, and you got ice cream.  Chocolate to be exact. 
Here you are, enjoying your juggling-begotten ice cream.  It was pretty yummy.

On Thursday and Friday you got to spend some time with Grandma Brooks while Mommy taught camp.  And this included a tea party where Uncle Kurt, Aunt Stacey and Abigail and Daddy came, too.  You and Grandma made cookies and crowns for everyone, and when everyone arrived, you had your party.  I will have to ask Grandma for pictures.

I can't believe Week Four has come and gone.  It wont be too long now until we're gearing up to go back to school!  I don't think I'm ready yet.  We're having too much fun! 

I love having fun with you,

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