

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Growin' Up, Not Out

Dear Ian,

Two days ago, I took you to your 15 month check up at the pediatrician. Holy Moly, it just seems like yesterday that we were there for your first appointment ever when you were just five days old. Anyhoo...

As always, you were very good during the waiting process, but now that you are a little older, actually having your exam is apparently cause for tears. You did ok, but you weren't wild about having your ears checked or when Doctor Martin looked in your throat.

At 15 months old, you are growing like a weed. But, like the title of this post hints, you are growing up and not out. You are a tall and skinny little dude, and I attribute that to all of the running around you do. You eat like a HORSE! For example, just this morning, you ate one and a half (I had a small portion) scrambled eggs, a whole package of instant cheese grits and about four cut-up strawberries. And you still had room to beg for bites of Daddy's oatmeal! Where are you putting it, Son?

Since your baby book only records your developmental stats up until one year old, I have taken a picture of your weight, height and head circumference paper, and I wrote this post. Forgive me. In order to remember things, I have to write them down. And I'm glad that I have this habit. When I looked back at your three-month-old appoitment stats, which was exactly one year from this most recent 15month appointment, I noticed that you have grown exactly 10 inches in a year. Wow!

So here's hoping for more healthy, happy(er) check-ups!

Love always,

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