

Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Dear Ian,

It's the Christmas holiday season already, and things are off to a great start! According to our time stamp on this blog post, today is December 13, so that means that 12 days remain until Christmas.

Like your other blog post about Thanksgiving and all of the fun things and activities that surround the holiday, Christmas is shaping up to be amazing this year because you are getting old enough to participate in and appreciate all of the fun stuff. For example, you actually smiled for this year's Christmas photo. Tee hee! Last year we had a family portrait taken with Santa, and you were sound asleep. This year, you were so smiley for Miss Branch. I can't wait to see the finished photo card, and I promise to scan one and post it so you have it in your blog-baby-book. To the right I have posted the family picture, but our cards have other photos on it too. It's really cute!

Also, you more or less appreciate the tree. Last year, because you were so young and slept most of the day away, I don't know if you would have noticed the tree even if it was on fire. Now you love to walk up and look at all of the ornaments. I am especially thankful this year that we have an artificial tree, because the branches are bendy. I have folded over the ends of the branches with ornaments so that you cant pull them off. Pretty smart of me, I think. But you love to see it all lit up. And speaking of lit up, you actually look out the car windows and smile and laugh and squeal at houses all decorated with lights. It's so fun to drive around with you and point them out.

You and Daddy have a special activity that you do together every morning, too. We walked down to Fresh Market around the end of November and bought him an Advent calendar. Complete with little chocolate pieces. Every morning before he goes to work, the two of you find the day on the calendar, open the little door and share the chocolate. It's so sweet. And you now anticipate it and look forward to it. Actually, if anyone picks you up in the kitchen, you gesture towards it. Then you get really mad when we don't go open another door and get another chocolate. Oh well.

Our stockings are hung by the fireplace, and in a few days we will begin the baking marathon. (I guess I will need to make another blog post about the cookies that we bake. They have a special story in themselves.) We've made one visit to Santa already. The other day there was a big holiday fest in Market Square, so we took a picture with Santa there. You did ok for a minute or two, but you did start to cry while with the Big Guy. But, as a toddler, we sorta expected you to do that. We start watching our nightly holiday movies this weekend, and then comes the meatball subs, Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Brooks', and then Christmas morning. Last year you sat propped up in your bouncy seat surrounded by gifts. This year I am anticipating a storm of flying wrapping paper, and I cannot wait.

Love and Ho Ho Ho,

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